About Us

Christopher and Leslie

We Are Life Laid Down

We are a husband and wife team who are passionate about leading the Family of God into the Throne Room through joyful, inviting, and intimate soundtracks of relationship.

Chris is a drum-playing, audio-engineering, Jesus-loving joy instigator with the gift of childlike faith.  Leslie is an inspiring communicator and fiery worshipper who loves seeing people grow in relationship with Jesus and bear fruit for His Kingdom.

Our latest release, "King's Invitation (Come On In!) is a fresh upbeat worship anthem (10,000+ streams) and will be followed by several new songs releasing throughout 2023.

With every song, our prayer is that listeners encounter Jesus and give them their Unhindered Yes to His beautiful Invitation.

We are about Family, Community, and Kingdom.  You are invited to a Life Laid Down.



We would love to connect with you! 

Reach out to us at any of these platforms.

Instagram: @lifelaiddownmusic

Facebook: @lifelaiddown

YouTube: @lifelaiddown

Booking: http://www.lifelaiddown.com